Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Dance with My Man

We went to my mom and dads Stake Valentines Dance. It was a blast dancing and the food was really good. I was really impressed with how they decorated. It was so fun dancing with Curtis.
And it was so fun watching my mom and dad dance. My mom got really into it and even danced in the dance circle. She so brave! I'm so glad that we were able to go out on a fun date for valentines. We weren't planning on going out, because we have no money right now. So it is so nice that we were able to go dancing for free. Our church is so awesome.


Natalie said...

That looks so fun!!! I like the decor too and you scrap pages!

Heidi Mecham said...

That was a fun dance. You two make a great couple. You are at a great stage in your life. I hope I can get there sometime soon. :)

Heidi Mecham said...

P.s. love how you did the pages! You might need to edit me out of it though!

Mrs Nancy said...

What a fun dinner and dance it was! Your scrap pages are pretty!