Monday, April 11, 2011

Almost 9 months Pregnant

Curtis did a great job taking these pictures of me. Im so glad that he enjoys taking pix and is becoming so good at it. I really wanted to get some pix of Alexa and Malakai hugging and kissing my belly, before I had the baby. They are so excited for our baby to come. I am now due in 5 days. The 9 months went by pretty fast for me, but these last two weeks have really dragged by. Ive been having false contractions for the last couple of nights. It really gets my hopes up, but when I go to bed, they go away and I get my hopes dashed. I really want to have her early. Ive never been early and thought it would be so nice to have at least one early. And to have a smaller baby would be so nice. All my babies have been pretty big in the 9 pound range. I only had one that was in the 8s. But I keep telling myself to just enjoy each moment and that she will come when the time is right. I shouldn't focus so much on my schdule and when I think it is the right time. I just got to have faith. So now, Im trying to do fun little project everyday, to keep me from getting all bored and depressed. Taking these pix yesterday was really fun for me, to get all dressed up, and then to have some fun pix to edit.
Alexa is so excited to have a little sister, and not to be the only girl anymore. I know she will be a great big sister and help her little sister through out her life. Im so happy that Alexa will have a sister. Im so grateful that I have sisters that are my best friends, and I wanted that for Alexa too.

Malakai talks to our baby everyday. And he reminds me to talk to her too. Hes so funny! He talks to her like she is already born. One day, he got my phone and was going to take a picture of my belly. So he said, "Say cheese baby!" Another day, it was really cold out and I told Malakai to put his jacket it. So he said, "Put a jacket on the baby too." He tells her everynight, "Sweet dreams baby, dont wake up too soon." It is so fun to see the excitement that all my kids have for this new little person to join our family.

I cant help but do a little photo shoot of my beautiful Alexa!

My sister Heidi and I were able to take a class the other day on how to make cute fabric flowers. Here are a few that I have made, and I love how they turned out. Im so excited to use them on my baby when I do her newborn portrait!


Natalie said...

Wow, you've been posting a lot. Good job! :) I love these pictures, so cute! And you look great!

Heather Walker said...

Thanks Nat! I was going to tell you to check out my blog. Ive had a lot of time on my hands, waiting around for my baby to come.

Mrs Nancy said...

What beautiful pictures of you and Alexa and Mali! I love the funny thing Mali says to the baby he is a funny kid!!! LOL I am glad you are finding some fun projects to keep you busy!!! You wrote some thoughtful comments, good to read!!! Sorry your having a hard boring time!

Heidi Mecham said...

Love your pics and flowers/bows! Of course you made them better than mine! You did them so perfect.