Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My life is not perfect and I don't want to have a blog that makes it look like it is. Right now I am an overwhelmed mom trying to stay afloat and I'm just about to sink. I cant get everything done that I'm suppose or  want to. People say, take somethings out of your life, but I don't know how to do that. I still have to do housework, most of it can not wait. I have to still do dishes, make meals, do laundry. Also we live in such a small area, that everything needs to be put away or we have no room to walk. It is so frustrating!!!  The kids help with chores, but most of the time, I have to keep nagging and bugging them before they will do it. It is so exhausting!!!  I feel like somethings got to change or I wont be able to stay sane.

I want to be able to do fun things with my kids, like arts and crafts and I want to do preschool with my son more. I want to make yummy and healthy food for my family. I want to get my kids and myself more active. There is just no time for everything. I have a baby that wants me to hold and nurse her a lot. She can sit and play, but she crawls now, so I have to keep an eye on her, because no matter how hard I try to keep the floor clean, her little tweezer fingers find crumbs and then stuffs them in her mouth and chokes.

So what I'm trying really hard to do right now is to simplify and organize my life.  Be a mom, do my church callings, take care of the house, take care of myself and don't forget about Curtis.

It is a good thing that I quit my photography business, but Ive got to make sure I say no when people ask me to take pix. I just don't have time anymore. It is so busy having 5 children. It really is a full time job. And it is the most important job I will ever have, so Ive got to give it my full attention. I am a creative person and I have to have some creative outlet, but Ive got to learn to do that while doing projects with my children.

I just had to take a minute to get these feelings off my chest. If you read it all, thanks for being patient with me, if you didn't, I understand. I know all moms feel this way at times, its not a new thing. I will be okay. I just need to reorganize my life and "dejunk" it. And like my mom would suggest, "Go take a nap!"


McKenna said...

There is no comfort I can give, except that I too feel this way at times. Good luck with finding what can help you acheive your desires. Have a good nap! :)

Heidi Mecham said...

Heather, I love you. I totally understand what you are saying. Hope your fun Vacation to Disneyland has helped give you a nice break from everything. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you!

Mrs Nancy said...

I am so grateful for what a loving and nurturing mom that you are! Motherhood is a big job and you have your priorities straight! Keep on keeping on! Love ya!