Saturday, June 21, 2008

I can't believe my baby is one!!

Happy birthday my sweet little Mali. You are so precious to me. Just thinking about you puts a huge smile on my face. I love your silly big smile. And I love your big brown puppy dog eyes that are just like your daddies. I love all your big features. You are such a handsome little man. I feel so blessed that you joined our family one year ago. I will love you always and forever.

My sweet little baby Mali, just turned one on June 12th. I can't believe that it has already been one year. Time just keeps going faster and faster. I guess we are just having more fun, yah right, just a lot more busy, but still trying to have fun at the same time. Anyways, it was really sad, because Mali was so sick on his birthday. He just laid around all day, which is not normal for him. He is usually such an active little man. The only time that he became his self again is when we blew up a bunch of balloons. (Thanks to my brothers Jacob and Bryson for helping us.) He had so much fun playing with them. So luckily I got some fun pictures of him. We decided to wait until the 14th to have a birthday party for Mali, hoping that he would feel better, so he could enjoy opening presents and digging into cake.


Heidi Mecham said...

Happy Birthday Mali. I love you squishy boy!

Celeste said...

I also can't believe how fast time goes. Mali is one! Wow. What an adorable little boy!