Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Retreat!

Grandpa and Grandma Walker let us stay in their home while they were in Canada for a funeral. It was such a nice little Christmas retreat for us. Since we are living with my family and don't have a place of our own. It was nice to stay in their apartment and spend time together as a family and just pretend that we were in our own home.

Curtis and the kids played in the snow and made a snowman and an igloo. We got to decorate their Christmas tree. We watched a lot of fun movies, ate home made pizza and drank a lot of hot chocolate. There is nothing better than staying home spending quality time together as a family. I just love my children, they are so much fun!

Ok, so you probably are dying to see my millions of pic I took while we were decorating the tree. Sorry, I just cant help myself. Enjoy!


Mrs Nancy said...

I love to see all of your fun pictures! The tree is beautiful, and the snow man and igloo are amazing! And of course some didn't show up on my computer, so I need to come down and look at your blog!

Shana said...

I love looking at your pics!

Heidi Mecham said...

That was so sweet of Curtis and Penny to let you guys stay there. What a fun getaway! Great pics, of course! (Another shaking fist, sorry) I still love ya though, :)

Heather Walker said...

LOL Heidi, you are so funny!