Friday, December 18, 2009

Its Our 11th Anniversary!

Im so happy that we have been married for 11 years now. Wow, how the time has flown by.
We have had some really wonderful times and some not so great times. But it feels good to know that we can get through anything with the Lords help and if we always try hard to work things out, and communicate.

Thank you Curt for working so hard for our family and our marriage. You are my very best friend.

Thank you for listening to me and helping me feel better when I'm having a bad day.

Thank you for being so understanding and letting me be me, and letting me have some time for me.

Thank you for being so supportive of all my little hobbies and passions.

Thank you for loving our children and being such a wonderful daddy to them. They love you so much and really look up to you.

Thanks for always teaching them about life. I know that they will always remember what you teach them.

Thank you for dancing with me lately. It has been so much fun!

Thank you for loving me and asking me to be your wife 11 years ago.

I love you Curtis honey, always and forever!


Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You two are adorable! I'm so glad Curt is a part of our family. Love you both!

Mrs Nancy said...

I am glad you had a fun anniversary! I love the picture of you and Curtis and all of your nice comments about your wonderful husband!